
A Dose of Nature – Weekly Walks in Kingborough Reserves

Join Council’s Natural Areas Interpretation Officer, BJ and health professionals for a gentle stroll in nature. Walks will focus on the natural world around us and the health benefits of spending time in nature.

Every Thursday from 9.30-10am except ANZAC Day 25 April

No bookings required.

Dru Point, Margate1st Thursday of the monthMeet at the very end of the access road though Dru Point Reserve (past the dog area).
Kingston Stormwater Wetlands2nd Thursday of the monthMeet at the wetland entrance on Channel Highway (close to bus stop 38).
Denison Street Reserve, Kingston3rd Thursday of the monthMeet at the lower end of Denison Street carpark.
Taroona Foreshore track4th Thursday of the monthMeet at the end of Melinga Place.
Self Guided Walk5th Thursday of the month


Nov 28 2024


9:30 am - 10:00 am