Hobart Hoedown
Line dancing, live music, pop-up bar, prizes for best cowboy boots and hats – it’s all happening at the Hobart Hoedown at Hobart’s latest Honkytonk (aka Hobart City Hall 🙂 ) on Saturday, 8 June.
This fundraiser is brought to you by Hobart City Council and Bucaan Community House. Reserve your spot by making your $10 donation on the Humantix ticketing page. Every cent of your ticket price will be go directly to Dogs’ Home Tasmania and Ten Lives (for cats).
Your ticket gives you access to one or both workshops held that afternoon at City Hall; 2-3 &/or 3-4 as well as the Hoedown (doors open 6:30, dancing & music from 7-11)
Line dancing taught and led by Laura Rittenhouse of Boots and All Line Dancing. No experience required. Pull on your best country outfit and saunter into the city for a night of good ol’ country fun!