Scintillating Screen Sounds – A program of popular themes from movies and television. Look forward to hearing beautiful choral harmonies of screen themed songs from the choir including Skye Boat Song, featured in the TV series Outlander and a Mamma Mia medley from the movie of the same name. From the band anticipate a varied selection that includes majestic themes from the movies such as Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean. As a grand finale the band and the choir will come together to present Colours of the Wind which was featured in the Disney movie, Pocahontas. Tasmanian Song Company will be accompanied by Amanda Lee on piano and will be conducted by Suze Quinn. The Southern Districts Concert Band will be conducted by Wendy Ross. Back to Community Events Advertisement Date Nov 12 2023 Expired! Time 2:25 pm - 4:00 pm More Info Read More