Two 40-part motets – Spem in alium & Omnes angeli
For the first time in two decades, music-lovers in Hobart will have the opportunity to hear Thomas Tallis’s “Spem in alium” when acclaimed Melbourne-based choir Ensemble Gombert joins forces with Allegri Ensemble to perform this mighty 40-part motet in St Mary’s Cathedral. Made famous in recent years by Tallis Scholars, “Spem”, as it is affectionately known sits in the canon of Renaissance polyphonic works, weaving forty individual vocal lines into an unforgettable aural tapestry.
The program also features the Tasmanian premiere of a second 40-part motet, “Omnes Angeli”, by contemporary Melbourne composer, Vaughan McAlley. Inspired by Tallis and written in response to a fortieth birthday challenge, “Omnes Angeli” offers a glimpse of how angels might sound singing in heaven.
Ensemble Gombert will also be performing works on their own by Josquin, Clemens and contemporary Australian composer Calvin Bowman.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear these two rarely-performed works, sung by two of Australia’s premiere chamber choirs!